Monday, March 1, 2010

ROW 13

Hi everyone. Last Friday we had to go to Hamilton Island for a Business Award which we had won. It was on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef. We check in and discover we are ROW 13. I said to hubby Oooo!! Not good!!! Well it started from there. Weather was foul with lots of turbulance and no visibility. We are coming in for a landing and suddenly the pilot pulls the plane up REALLY steeply. He apologises and says he could not see the runway and as it is very short and into the sea he had to go back up. We then circled for 15 minutes until he could see to land. We have to get off and walk across runway and down comes a torrential downpour and we are thoroughly soaked including everything in my handbag including my hexies. But let me tell you it went DOWNHILL from there. The next morning going to breakfast the Hotel's highly polished floorboards were wet and down I went in front of the whole conference. I landed on my knee but my leg and foot went out to the side. So Hubby drags me across the floor to a chair and the Paramedics come (eventually). I get treated for some time whilst waiting for ambulance which decides they have worked too many hours so unless it is a spinal injury they are not coming. So we wait for the Rescue Squad who comes with a leg brace so that they can move me. To my embarrassment 3 men (one is my hubby) have to carry me out to the Hotel van which is too high for me to get in so after much pushing, pulling and screaming by me I finally get to Island Hospital where of course I have to wait for ages without any painkillers. I finally get my leg strapped out straight in front of me and decide I am still going to Awards night in wheelchair. Very interesting Hubby showering me, blow drying hair and holding me whilst I do make up. Got standing ovation when I got there. Everyone said I was a hero and all the blokes told hubby I was a legend to make it through the whole night. But did it all end there NOooo!!! to get me into aeroplane I have to go on cargo lift yet again in front of whole conference and the same again to get off plane at Brisbane. Luckily from Brisbane to Sydney I only had to endure being lifted by burly airport workers in and out of wheelchairs and chairs and yet again being up ended into a van but this time with my dress practically around my shoulders. At home Hubby and son-in-law decide the best way to get me into apartment is on my office chair and yet again lifting me up and down stairs. I am having an MRI in the morning and the point to all of this is I don't know when I will post again as my office is on 2nd floor and I cant get up stairs to get help with loading my photos. Maybe my computer friend can come to me and teach me some more. THE BIGGEST LESSON IN ALL OF THIS IS I WILL NEVER ACCEPT ROW 13 AGAIN.


  1. Oh you poor thing!! I have to tell you (I'm sorry but I like to be truthful) that I had a chuckle at the thought of the cargo lift on the plane ;0) I think I would prefer the burly airport guys!! Hope it's not too, too serious and really, a polished floor should not be wet should it? Just a recipe for disaster as you can very well attest to. Not going back to Hamilton then?? Take care and fingers crossed for you.

  2. Oh my goodness and I was complaining about our 7 hour delay flying from Singapore to Sydney! You had a really bad deal, I hope that's it with bad luck for ages - I didn't know there was a row 13, I didn't think they'd risk it! I know buildings don't often have a floor 13. Hoping you're soon up and about - in the normal way that is, hugs, Lis x

  3. Noooooo!!! This is terrible Sharron.
    You poor girl... I'm so glad you're as ok as you are, but wow what an ordeal.
    I think you're totally awesome for going to the awards after all of that.
    I hope the MRI brings better news than not.
    You take care and I hope you can sit and stitch.
    Robyn xx

  4. Oh awful for you..
    I hate flying at the best of times,,,but you poor girl, what an ordeal to have to go through..
    Hope your soon be on the mend and about..
    Julia ♥

  5. Oh No!!! What a terrible weekend. I hope your leg isn't too seriously damaged and fingers crossed for your MRI. Good on you for going to the Awards Night but I bet you were very glad to be back home.

  6. What a way to get an award! Very best wishes for recovery of both your dignity and your mobility, not to mention those soaked hexies....

  7. Hi Sharon, what a disaster! Hope that you are on the mend and that leg is not too much of a problem. Gee I hope that the Resort were super apologetic to you. Have to admit, I too had a chuckle about the cargo lift! You tell a good story!!!
    Take care,

  8. Oh Sharron! I hope that all will be well and that you recover quickly. Oh, no, and yet, the way you told it I had to laugh ( a bit!) oh, I hope you feel better very very soon. In the meantime I wish you lots of uninterrupted stitching!
    Valentina from Cyprus

  9. Hi Sharron, I sure hope you are feeling better by now. I badly miss your posting, your photos and prose are such delight. Michele

  10. What a night!! Poor you. Hope you are back to you normal self soon. Now I think you should have some colour pencils at your elbow. Because I can see a quilt of emotional colour in amongst all that. Especially the cargo lift emotion.
    Very Best Wishes
