Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scary First Post!

I was going to start with "is anybody out there" but I already have a wonderful lady Natima from Notjustnat following and helping already. How lucky am I to have a blogging friend like that from the beginning. I have lots of photos of Christmas,
travels and quilts and would like to do my header and post items properly but felt I could not leave this blank for much longer. I am very new to this but love to read everyone's blogs so I thought Bloggers could bear with me whilst I learn. I am just back from Bali and Singapore where I was lucky enough to purchase BLOGGING FOR BLISS to help me a bit. I also think I better puchase Blogging for Dummies whilst I am at it. Like all Quilters I have far too many U.F.O.'s and am lucky to be starting
classes with legends Marg Sampson and Brigitte Giblin this year at Material Obsession so I guess I will have more. I should explain my chosen Blog name too I love and collect Dragonflies (amongst many other things) and we travel a lot hence the Gypsy part. Over the coming weeks I plan to learn how to load photos on and show Finished and WIP quilts, some of my collections and trips which almost always has me outside (and definitely inside) a quilt shop. I hope I don't bore everyone.


  1. Hi Sharon, I enter you on my blog watch and glad to see you posting your first post. Welcome to blogland. Hope you will stay for awhile and enjoy - Hugs Nat

  2. Welcome Sharon, You will enjoy this Land of Blog as I do. The other bloggers are such nice and helpful people. A question--- just ask and some one or two will have an answer. Bummed out just tell us, we have big hearts and big shoulders. Its not just quilting, its becoming friends also and doing what friends do. I don't blog every day as some do, but I do try at least once a week. Enjoy and Happy Quilting!

  3. Hi Sharon and welcome to Blogland. Nat sent me over to say hello. I'm in England but also like to travel, just off on a great trip, mainly to New Zealand. Do take a look at once I get going in about two weeks (I'm packing at the moment). I've been blogging for less than a year but love it - you "meet" such lovely people. Do pop over and see me when you have a moment, you'll be very welcome at
    Happy blogging, and quilting, Love Lis xx

  4. Welcome to Blogland and I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful quilts!

  5. Hi Sharon.,....Nat sent me over to say Hi.....isn't she great at encouraging us newbees!

    Love your quilts......very tranquil.....

    so how do you collect dragonflies? I hope you enlighten us :0)

    Happy sewing and welcome to the land of blog!

  6. HI Sharon, Welcome to blogland! I'm new at it too and I'm loving it. I get to talk to people all over the world that share the same passion as me. I love ALL your quilts - they are beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing much more. Sue-Anne
